March 1, 2018
Background: The FCC today is expected to release a proposed order to reduce the regulatory costs associated with 5G infrastructure deployment. The order is set for a vote at the March 22 meeting.
The following statement is from USTelecom CEO Jonathan Spalter:
“The success of the United States winning the global race for 5G supremacy will depend in large part on the fiber networks made available by the investments by, and innovation of, our nation’s wired broadband providers. Today’s order to reduce the costs of, and regulatory impediments to, deploying these fiber networks is a critical step forward not just for American competitiveness overseas, but for the promise 5G can bring to all our families and communities at home. As Commissioner Carr said yesterday, “5G is about more than just faster broadband and lower latency. It is about enabling the next-generation of innovation and entrepreneurship in America.” The U.S. broadband community, and its customers, are grateful to the Commission for this progress.”