
Brian Weiss

Eshoo/Young Expansion of Broadband-based Health Care During COVID-19

Background: Today, Reps. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Don Young (R-AK) introduced the ‘Health Care Broadband Expansion During COVID-19 Act.’ The bill expands the FCC’s Rural Health Care Program, which offers funding to eligible health care providers for telecommunications and broadband services. Specifically, the bill expands the program to include urban and suburban health care providers and invests an additional $2 billion in the program. Rural providers continue to have access to the vital program and their eligibility will not change under the bipartisan legislation.

The following statement can be attributed to Jonathan Spalter, USTelecom’s president and CEO:

“This is a smart and targeted investment surge by Reps. Eshoo and Young and exactly what we should be doing during this public health emergency – finding ways to bring 21st century connectivity and more digital technology to all of our country’s hospital systems and healthcare providers – no matter their zip code. We know broadband powered telehealth can expand access and coverage options that can help frontline healthcare providers diagnose and treat more patients in this crisis and beyond.”

Check out USTelecom’s ‘5 Tips for Telehealth’ with ways to connect to broadband powered healthcare.
