
Brian Weiss

Subcommittee Passage of House Broadband Mapping Bill

Mapping momentum: “We’re getting close…”

Background: Today, the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology passed the bipartisan ‘Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability (DATA) Act’ introduced by Reps. Dave Loebsack (D-IA) and Bob Latta (R-OH) to improve the accuracy of FCC nationwide broadband data maps.

The following statement can be attributed to Jonathan Spalter, president and CEO of USTelecom:

“Today is another major step forward for the bipartisan, public private coalition working together to fix America’s obsolete broadband maps. By advancing the Loebsack/Latta plan, the subcommittee has added to this mapping momentum on two fronts: ensuring agencies, policymakers and providers have accurate broadband data and better targeting every dollar of federal broadband support to consumers who need it. USTelecom knows good data and technology can solve this problem in a relatively short period of time and bring more broadband connectivity to rural America. If we can better map broadband, we can better map our future. We’re getting close.”
