Fixed Wireless Today: Updates and Opportunities

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) has recently emerged as a way for wireline operators to rapidly and economically provide improved broadband service to their customers, as well as expand services to new customers. So, what has happened with FWA recently? The reality is that the four driving factors of FWA continue to become more compelling: Broadband…

The Role of Connectivity in Digital Equity & Inclusion

Special Guest Geoffrey Starks, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission Access to, and the use of, modern networks, services and platforms, raise a host of critical issues in our nation’s quest for universal digital equity and inclusion.  Please join FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks and USTelecom’s Jonathan Spalter for a conversation on the impact of technology policy and…

Technology Optimism in a Time of Uncertainty

On June 11th, FCC’s Michael O’Rielly joined USTelecom’s Jonathan Spalter for a conversation on how our nation’s policy-makers and broadband innovators can work together to reinvigorate technology optimism during this period of social, public health, and economic turbulence.  Watch the event here.

Telehealth in the Time of Covid-19 and Beyond

This conversation was recorded on May 20, 2020. View the recording   Special Guests (yes, the names are correct) Brendan Carr Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC Brendan Carr Senior Faculty and System Chair, Emergency Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System New York, NY Welcome to the Carr Show! Please join the FCC’s Brendan Carr, Mount…

Privacy in the Time of Covid-19

Presented on Thursday, April 30, 2020 Watch the video Panelists Christine Wilson, Commissioner, FTC Karyn Smith, General Counsel, Twilio Jonathan Spalter, President & CEO, USTelecom Please watch our conversation on Commissioner Wilson’s recent essay on emerging privacy issues as we navigate life during Covid-19.  

Powering the Future of FTTP: Drivers and Benefits of 10G PON

Growing bandwidth demands from households and enterprise business applications are now at a tipping point to exceed the capacity that today’s GPON networks can deliver. Within this environment, operators face the challenge of figuring out how to address the requirements of countless emerging technologies and applications threatening to make their networks obsolete. Join Ryan McCowan,…

Supply Chain Quarterly: What’s new. What’s next.

At a critical time for 5G build-out and securing the nation's information technology and communications supply chain, join us for a conversation with industry leaders on evolving federal initiatives and the potential impacts on your organization. The first in a quarterly series of webinars – co-sponsored by USTelecom and Inside Cybersecurity – will focus on:…

RDOF Order Overview: What it means for your business

"The Download" - USTelecom's Members-only Webinar Series This webinar was recorded on February 12, 2020. This members-only webinar looking at what you need to know about the FCC’s RDOF Order. After nine months of hard work, on January 30th the FCC adopted final rules for the $16 billion first phase of RDOF that will eventually distribute…

CSDE Forum: Bots, Things & Cybersecurity

Bots, Things & Cybersecurity | Advancing Global Policy in a 5G World Join the Council to Secure the Digital Economy (CSDE) to hear communications, technology and policy leaders discuss the role of industry innovators in advancing global policy objectives for combating botnets and reducing cyber threats to the Internet of Things. CSDE also is releasing…