Protecting the Network Layer

Register Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks pose one of the greatest threats to ISPs today. Not only are networks increasingly vulnerable, but attackers are increasingly targeting the network layer. This can result in damaged equipment, plant disruption, loss of productivity, and customer turnover. Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself, your business, and your…

Accurately Mapping Where Broadband Is…and Where it Isn’t

Register In this webinar, mapping experts will discuss USTelecom’s Broadband Mapping pilot in Missouri and Virginia as well as how new digital resources, databases and crowdsourcing platforms, combined with existing provider service address information, can improve understanding of unserved/served areas. As policymakers take a deeper look at how to improve maps showing areas served by…

USTelecom Forum: Turning the Tide on Illegal Robocalls

Please join USTelecom – The Broadband Association for a forum featuring stakeholders from U.S. government agencies, Capitol Hill, offices of State Attorneys General, and industry leaders to learn more about their shared commitment and active initiatives to combat illegal robocalls. Join us In-person - Capitol Visitors Center SVC 201-00, Washington DC (registration has closed) Online via…

Supply Chain Security and 5G

Register Today Securing the nation's supply chain and building out next-generation 5G networks are top priorities for the government and the telecommunications and IT industries, underscored by President Trump’s recent order aimed at foreign threats, which comes amid heightened concerns about China.  Also as part of those efforts, the Department of Homeland Security has formed…

Wi-Fi 6/802.11ax – What You Need to Know

Register Today Wondering what all of the buzz is about regarding the new Wi-Fi 6 standard (802.11ax)? As IoT devices grow and expand within homes and businesses, 4K video becomes more prominent, and the number of Wi-Fi enabled devices per person increases, the demand for better Wi-Fi increases. The next generation wireless standard will offer…

The Path to Profitable Fixed Wireless

Register today Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) provides the opportunity for operators to rapidly and economically provide broadband service to their customers, as well as expand services to new customers. But why is the time right for FWA now? There are four factors driving the business case for FWA: Broadband demand – demand for broadband will…

Reinventing Broadband Mapping

USTelecom Forum Reinventing Broadband Mapping:  Closing the Digital Divide Presented on Thursday, March 21, 2019 Online | Click here to view the previously recorded live stream USTelecom, ITTA, WISPA and a diverse consortium of companies and associations announced a new initiative to better map broadband deployment nationwide and help close the digital divide. The Broadband…

USTelecom Broadband Investment Forum

Please join USTelecom for a conversation about the path to connecting communities through continued investment in broadband infrastructure and innovation.

USTelecom Cybersecurity Policy Forum: National Cyber Policy Guidance

Watch the live stream With the release of the final Report to the President on reducing botnet and malware threats, an implementation phase will now begin requiring an unprecedented level of industry, civil society and government engagement.  In the May 2017 Cybersecurity Executive Order, the Trump Administration called on the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security…