Reinventing Broadband Mapping

USTelecom Forum Reinventing Broadband Mapping:  Closing the Digital Divide Presented on Thursday, March 21, 2019 Online | Click here to view the previously recorded live stream USTelecom, ITTA, WISPA and a diverse consortium of companies and associations announced a new initiative to better map broadband deployment nationwide and help close the digital divide. The Broadband…

USTelecom Broadband Investment Forum

Please join USTelecom for a conversation about the path to connecting communities through continued investment in broadband infrastructure and innovation.

USTelecom Cybersecurity Policy Forum: National Cyber Policy Guidance

Watch the live stream With the release of the final Report to the President on reducing botnet and malware threats, an implementation phase will now begin requiring an unprecedented level of industry, civil society and government engagement.  In the May 2017 Cybersecurity Executive Order, the Trump Administration called on the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security…

USTelecom Cybersecurity Policy Forum 2018

Watch it On-Demand On the heels of the January 5th report to the President on reducing botnet and malware threats, 2018 is expected to be a year of intense government and private sector engagement in cybersecurity. In the May 2017 Cybersecurity Executive Order, the Trump Administration called on the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security to jointly lead…

Broadband First: Investing in America’s Infrastructure

This event was presented on January 26, 2017 and available on-demand here. With President Donald Trump’s “America’s Infrastructure First” policy calling for $1 trillion in new investment to improve the nation’s infrastructure, broadband will play a critical role in connecting our citizens, communities and businesses and must be front and center in this important initiative.…