Evolution Of The Internet In The U.S. Since 2015

U.S. Broadband Availability Mid-Year 2018
USTelecom and CensusNBM analysis of the latest semi-annual broadband availability data from the Federal Communications…

Counterpoint: Study Fails to Show Utility Regulation Does Not Affect Broadband Investment
A recent study by Christopher A. Hooton of the George Washington University Institute of Public…

How to Identify and Mitigate Illegal Robocalls
We need solutions to the illegal robocall problem that will scale commensurate with the scourge.…

The Public Interest Benefits of Expanding Fiber Networks Through Universal Service
In a report prepared for USTelecom, The Brattle Group explains how closing the rural-urban digital…

Redefining Legacy Obligations: The More Things Change, the More Things Need to Change
The paper describes the way some important aspects of the regulation of incumbent local exchange…

The C2 Consensus on IoT Device Security Baseline Capabilities
The C2 Consensus provides guidance to industry and government on important security capabilities that IoT…

Cyber Crisis: Foundations of Multi-Stakeholder Coordination
The CSDE’s Cyber Crisis guide outlines the essential components of multi-stakeholder coordination during a cybersecurity…

Broadband Mapping Initiative Proof of Concept: Summary Findings
Beginning with a pilot program in Virginia and Missouri, the USTelecom Broadband Mapping Initiative will…

U.S. Broadband Investment Continued Upswing in 2018
Released: July 31, 2019 View USTelecom Research Brief Capex 2018 U.S. broadband providers invested approximately $80.0…