Connecting Communities Through the Power of Broadband

Broadband delivers much more than just the internet – it creates opportunities for entire communities by empowering your everyday.


Broadband providers are committed to closing the digital divide and guaranteeing high-speed, affordable internet for every American family. Through generational investments totaling more than $2.2 trillion over the past 26 years, broadband providers are closer than ever to achieving universal coverage so every community can reap the benefits and the opportunities of connection.

Stronger Networks, Faster Speeds, Competitive Prices – For All
Broadband delivers so much more than the internet – it connects communities and creates opportunities for Americans no matter their zip code.

A generation of investment by U.S. broadband providers expands access, delivers competitive rates and improves connectivity empowers your everyday.


Report: USTelecom Broadband Capex 
U.S. broadband providers kept up their 25-year commitment to connectivity by investing nearly $94.7 billion in modern, reliable and affordable networks in our communities in 2023. Learn how this generational investment from broadband providers has shaped accessibility and affordability.

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Report: Broadband Pricing Index
U.S. Broadband Prices Drop 9.4% Year Over Year. The fifth installment of USTelecom’s Broadband Pricing Index (BPI or Index) shows that prices for high-speed broadband internet services continue to decline—even as upload and download speeds rapidly advance.

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Issue Brief: Removing Barriers to Connecting Communities
With a historic investment of government and private sector funds in broadband on the horizon, Congress should move quickly to remove barriers to broadband deployment. All policies should be viewed through the lens of connecting communities—from expedited permitting to relief from legacy obligations to make way for network modernization, to pole attachment rules that promote collaboration and coordination.

Read the Issue Brief


Event: USTelecom Broadband Investment Forum
America’s broadband industry invested $94.7 billion in U.S. communications infrastructure in 2023, as broadband providers worked intensively to connect communities to high-speed networks. What can the administration do to help spur even more investment and innovation in our nation’s broadband networks?

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Event: American Connectivity Forum
This event hosts leaders from the policy community along with senior executives from the nation’s innovative broadband providers for important discussions on the path forward to connect our communities.

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