Securing the Future of Universal Service


The Universal Service Fund (USF) supports broadband connectivity and affordability but is primarily supported by a shrinking number of voice telephone customers. The USF contribution system urgently needs reform and to be modernized.



Broadband 2025: Building the Future Faster
USTelecom sent a letter to President Donald Trump and the 119th Congress outlining six concrete actions that can be taken quickly to speed up connectivity to all in America. ‘Broadband 2025: Building the Future Faster’ outlines a series of key policy priorities with specific recommendations and strategies to advance each goal in the first 100 days.

Read Broadband 2025


Open Letter to Congress
USTelecom CEO Jonathan Spalter sent an open letter to Congress explaining how the Fifth Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals’ decision finding the current structure of the Universal Service Fund unconstitutional puts at risk the high-speed connectivity of millions of rural and low-income Americans as well as the future trajectory of U.S. economic growth and global competitiveness.

An Open Letter to Congress on the Future of Universal Connectivity


Issue Briefs

The Universal Service Fund is essential to maintaining the nation’s commitment to universal connectivity over time. Congress must act now to ensure its future.

Securing the Future of Universal Service


This issue brief outlines four concrete and achievable steps Congress can take to solve both of these issues. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) remains a transformative force, connecting more than 23 million households to the internet, but funding is expected to expire in April. The Universal Service Fund (USF) supports broadband connectivity and affordability but is primarily supported by a shrinking number of voice telephone customers.

A Permanent Solution for Saving ACP and USF


Universal connectivity is within our grasp. But it requires all stakeholders to join with America’s telecommunications providers and do their part.

Saving the ACP: A Commitment to Connectivity


American Connectivity Forum

As Washington gears-up for critical decisions about the future of the Universal Service Fund, this event hosts leaders from the policy community along with senior executives from the nation’s innovative broadband providers for important discussions on the path forward to connect our communities.

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