Evolution Of The Internet In The U.S. Since 2015

Robocall Blocking Tools
USTelecom and our members continue to work with private and government stakeholders to combat the proliferation…

USTelecom Industry Metrics and Trends 2018
USTelecom Industry Metrics and Trends 2018

Protecting Consumers from Robocalls
USTelecom and our members work in industry forums to develop solutions to stay ahead of…

U.S. Broadband Availability Year-End 2016
Released February 22, 2018 U.S. broadband providers continued deploying and upgrading networks to bring consumers across…

U.S Internet Usage and Global Leadership are Expanding
Released November 27, 2017 A new USTelecom analysis of annual Internet Protocol traffic data from…

Broadband Investment Continued Trending Down in 2016
Released October 31, 2017 U.S. broadband providers invested approximately $76.0 billion in network infrastructure in…

Broadband Builds Opportunity
Closing the digital divide is essential to making sure all Americans can reap the benefits…

U.S. Broadband Availability Mid-2016
Released August 25, 2017 U.S. broadband providers continue to deploy and upgrade networks rapidly, bringing…

Utility Regulation and Broadband Network Investment: The EU and US Divide
Released April 25, 2017 If America’s broadband internet services continue to be regulated by the…